Leaders in Stair Machinery
 Designed & Built in the USA

 How It Works, Stair-Rout™ Model 40



Our machines run on 208-220 volt 3 phase service to run motors.

We also require 120 volt service for control and 80 psi clean and dry compressed air.

The Stair-Rout™ operates under electrical control with pneumatic clamping.

Our CNC stair stringer router used for box stair construction is fully automatic with no setup time.
The stair router is designed for use by a low skill operator to rout box stair stringers.

A stair builder like you will work in fractions and so does our stair stringer router.
Just match the numbers on the computer screen to the numbers on your box stair work orders and press start.

You can also use our stair stringer router for other configurations including no riser stairs, pocket stairs, slanted risers, center open horse stringers and extreme run sizes.

Everything is done with just the push of a button.
There is nothing to setup, just enter the rise & run and press start.









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Cordes Machine Division Remington Industries, Inc. | 1-908-233-2600 | Mountainside, NJ